Meal Money
Save on food spending with just 1 minute of budgeting a day
Save money and time with a ridiculously simple budgeting app that tracks only food purchases
Minimal effort
No complicated bank or credit card setup. You simply enter your food purchase amounts every day and watch the savings pile up.
Save money
By tracking your food spending every day you can save a lot of money! When you are aware of your daily food spending, you make smarter decisions at the grocery store, you cook more and eat out less.
"I was able to save an average of $400 a month just by tracking my food spending"
Frequently Asked Questions
Why budget only for food purchases?
Spending money on food is many peoples' biggest expense after housing but budgeting can be such a chore. By focusing only on food items, you can benefit from budgeting without spending too much time on it.
Can't I do the same thing with a spreadsheet?
Spreadsheets are cumbersome to work with, especially on mobile. It's also easy (and exciting) to see your progress in charts without having to setup clever charts in a spreadsheet.
How much money can this really save me?
You'd be surprised how building this habit can add up to smarter choices at the grocery store and with eating out. It's common to see monthly savings of hundreds of dollars.
What if I spend more than my daily budget allows?
No worries. Money from future days are used to cover today's high expenses. This means that you'll be able to spend a little less in the coming days. This is how you keep yourself accountable.
Coming soon for Android and iOS
If you'd like me to send you a reminder the app launches, just put your email down below. No spam, ever. I promise.